Our Glorious Gloss wax brings together a range of waxes and oils to protect your paintwork, but the top reason they were chosen for this blend was down to their excellent gloss enhancing properties.
This smooth (never crunchy) wax comes in a really delicious peanut butter fragrance, presented in a 150ml pot, so 50% bigger than our regular pots, as we know you’ll love this wax so much you’ll want to use it all the time - its the nuts!
Did you know? - The fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth is called Archibutyrophobia (pronounced A'-ra-kid-bu-ti-ro-pho-bi-a).
Use our Glorious Gloss Peanut Butter wax if you would like…
• a deep gloss shine due to added lustre enhancing oils
• to bring out the rich colour of your paintwork
• hydrophobic protection
• smooth application with easy removal
150ml - £30 each
Peanut Butter Fragrance

All our waxes contain natural oils to moisturise your paintwork and help keep it looking better for longer.
Durability: Good.
Durability is a hard area to test and prove as so many factors will effect how long your wax will perform. We do advise that you wax your car at least every couple of months to maintain MAXIMUM protection (especially for daily drivers). And if you're here buying wax, thats probably something you easily do anyway!
Application: If your paintwork is looking particularly dull or you'd like to increase the durability and protection of your wax, first apply our Spic and Span Pre-Wax Cleanser.
Apply a thin even layer to spotlessly clean paintwork using a wax applicator. Leave the wax on the car for 5-15 mins and then polish off with a clean and fluffy microfibre cloth. Buff to a shine with a second clean and dry microfibre cloth.
You can apply more than one coat for added protection, we would advise waiting at least a couple of hours between coats if possible for the first coat to harden - waiting till the next day would be even better if you are able to do so.
Reviewed by Total Kit Car